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Référence #
La Catégorie
Animal Cruelty Report
Créé sur
07/12/2024 00:51:17
Dernière modification
03/01/2025 14:33:39
119 McKinley St , Lafayette , 70501-8421 , Louisiana , USA
La description
Firstly, I'm reporting abuse and/or neglect of a husky—bright blue eyes with lightish brown patterning probably about 2(ish) years old? Over the past few weeks I've seen this dog get beaten, kicked, whipped with a heavy rope thing and left out in the cold overnight. Dog is also pretty skinny. The person whom I've seen doing this is obviously either currently on drugs or coming off of them and she's been super angry, weaving when walking and yelling at the dog to attack other people and/or other people's dogs. I've never made a report on animal abuse/neglect before but I just can't stand to watch this dog get beat up anymore. The lady is probably about 5'4ish, white, super skinny (can't weigh more than 110lbs), with dirty blonde hair. She looks maybe in her mid-50's or early 60's (?)—but never know via drug users. This dog looks like a pure bred husky—and I think her son found it? And gave it to her or something? There's no way this person should or can take care of a dog or any animal. I saw them earlier today and she was beating it. It was limping. It kept trying to go up to strangers—it was obviously trying to get away from this lady. Secondly, the location provided is approximate??? I think the lady I'm reporting on squats at the old Keg bar place, but I've also regularly seen the dog in question chained up outside late at night in the cold at the white and yellow meth house on Lamar (the one at intersection of Stevenson and Lamar). I haven't felt comfortable enough to get any pictures or take any video because don't want to mess with anyone who may or may not be on drugs. I'm happy to provide more information or my contact info or even take care of the dog if need be—It's simply not right to be beating an animal like that.